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Were any of the revealed books available in a written form before Islam ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 30/08/1985

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Were any of the revealed books available in a written form before Islam ?

It is written in the Holy Quran that we Muslims should believe in Allah Ta’ala, all the revealed Holy Books and all the Prophets. I shall be most grateful if Huzoor will kindly advise us as there were no libraries at the time of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Were the previous Holy Books which we are advised to believe in available in any written form, for example scrolls, or memorised by the followers of the different religions during the period before Islam? Why is it relevant to your question?

First establish this point. What is the relevancy of this question to the foundation that you laid? I don’t see any contradiction between the two situations. That injunction of the Holy Quran is independent of the existence of such libraries. Libraries, Huzoor, I say is today in terms. Today’s terms, they are libraries. But in the old times there were no libraries. Start from the time of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Don’t consider this age to be able to dictate terms to that age. It is that age which is going to dictate terms to your age.

So libraries are neither here nor there. They don’t come into question at all. Because when the injunction was made there were no libraries. So addition of libraries is irrelevant totally. Please sit down. If this is not your question then what else is? I can’t understand then. You can try to explain that question. If I have not answered your question and you meant to say something else, then I permit you to frame that question in different words, please. No, Huzoor, my second part is in fact my question, whether there were any written things.

So first present the first part. Then I delete the first part. I leave the first part. Otherwise I’ll give the first part. I leave the first part. Which I don’t want to give it. So you take back the first part and you swallow it fully. What is the second part, that were they found in scroll form those things? Yes, they were found in scroll form. Like Confucius’ Shariah was also written in scroll form or parchments and also other prophets. Zoroaster’s word was also written, who was not a Hebrew prophet. And similarly, though the teachings of Ramachandra and Krishna were recorded later on, but prior to, much earlier than the time of the Holy Prophet, they were also recorded. Everywhere this, the revelation of the law or the history, early history of religions, was recorded the moment the mankind was capable of recording such facts.

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