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Can we interpret the verse of the Quran (8:75) as a prophecy pertaining to the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 06/05/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Can we interpret the verse of the Quran (8:75) as a prophecy pertaining to the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah ?

No, not particularly that. It’s a generalized statement and this is, this verse is misunderstood by many because they attach only one meaning to hijra, which is a word of much wider application. Hijra is in fact a spiritual hijra, a migration of a person from a worldly state to a spiritual state that is traveling towards Allah.

This meaning of hijra has been explained by Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in a tradition which was chosen by Hazrat Imam Bukhari to be the first tradition and the first guideline for all the traditions he chose in the book Bukhari. It’s a long tradition and this thing follows the explanation of word hijra. So the hijra fundamentally means and essentially means any movement of soul from worldly regions to godly regions.

Now that hijra which is a physical expression of this hijra is also fundamentally controlled by this hijra. If this hijra is not behind it, working behind it as a motive force, then that hijra is meaningless. So the dictates of hijra from time to time may change. Whether a physical hijra takes place or not, this is a constant affair in the Muslim’s life. This hijra goes on taking place here and there in various individuals and this is what hijra means. So in this verse particularly this is the wider meaning in which this verse is used and it should be understood as such.

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