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Is it permissible for an Islamic judiciary to be subjugated by an administration ?

Dated: 29/06/1990

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is it permissible for an Islamic judiciary to be subjugated by an administration ?

Would Huzoor most kindly advise us regarding the following matters? Whether the judiciary could be subjected to the administration according to the teachings of Islam? Secondly, would Huzoor most kindly throw some light on the subject? Let’s take them one after the other. Justice cannot be subjugated to anything. That is to say, no administration has a right to interfere in the dispensation of justice. Next question.

Secondly, would Huzoor most kindly throw some light on this subject from the Islamic history as to what were the effects of such subjugation of judiciary by the administration? When was it done? It was done. Tell me when. In Pakistan? This is not Islamic history. This is un-Islamic history. What is happening in Pakistan is un-Islamic history. You refer to Islamic history. When in Islamic history, any truly Muslim power interfered with the system of justice, show me one single example.

Islamic history began with the Prophet Muhammad and remained intact till the end of Khilafat-e-Rashida. And it remained above reproach. And never even once, in one single event, the system of justice was interfered with. So when it was no longer Islamic history, then things may have happened and I am not concerned with them. I am not responsible for what happened then. Right?

Thirdly. Okay. But you seem to be angry. Also. This is the last. Okay. During the martial law, in an Islamic state, can the martial law administrator suspend or cancel the law of the country according to the teachings of Islam? First of all, tell me, can a martial law dictator come into being according to the teachings of the Quran? I don’t know. You should know. If his existence is not bona fide, if he has no right to exist as such, then whatever he says also is not bona fide. Somebody who claims to be a commissioner and is not a commissioner, whatever decisions he makes would not be valid or will they be?

So when martial law administration has no place in Islamic concept, then whatever decisions they make have no place and no validity. Because the promulgator of those ordinances, etc., has no validity himself. Right?

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