Current Topic:

How many mosques are there in the world?

Dated: 21/02/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

How many mosques are there in the world?

As-Salaam-Alaikum. Wa-Alaikum As-Salaam. How many mosques are there in the whole world? First you introduce yourself please. As-Salaam-Alaikum. Wa-Alaikum As-Salaam. You’re from? Brighton. Brighton? Brighton. And he’s your father? Yes. How many mosques are there in the whole world? Mosques? How many mosques or total number of mosques? How many mosques? Even that I can’t count, you know, I don’t have the ready figures with me.

There would be thousands, thousands of mosques, no doubt. I mean they are in the process of building, new mosques are being built. It’s not every day, every week or month. So you can’t count the number. I see. What made you think of this? I was just wondering. But what put you on the way to wondering this? I’m not really sure.

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