The prophecies, there’s so many. For example, the Promised Messiah has told us that Ahmadiyyat would spread like the particles of sand in Russia. So that is yet to be fulfilled. And also the ultimate victory of Ahmadiyyat so that Islam becomes victorious for all the rest of the religions. That is a prediction of the Holy Quran plus a prediction of the Promised Messiah because it was to be fulfilled in his time. That is yet to be achieved. And you will only get closer to this ultimate fulfillment if you start working yourself, if you start individually moving in that direction.
If families do not preach and wait for all the distance to be covered one blue morning, one fine morning and expect that we’ll become victorious because it is predicted this is just living in a dream. You will become victorious out of all proportion to the effort put in. That I agree. But not if no effort is put in. Some effort has to be put in on the part of Ahmadiyyat. And that is that each Ahmadi should become a missionary.
If he becomes a missionary however difficult and remote the ultimate goal may appear this prediction will help us. And Allah’s forces, unseen forces will act in our favor and promote our efforts. With the result that Inshallah one day all these prophecies will be fulfilled. So do your bit and expect the rest to be done by Allah. Inshallah.