It is the generic name which is used. It is not one particular Khinzeer, but a generic name, but also because it could be taken as one particular Khinzeer, so the prime enemy of the Prophet of the time could be called THE Khinzeer, or the prime enemy of Prophet Muhammad of that time could also be called THE Khinzeer, for instance, Lake Ram. But that is possible, and it could also mean that, I am not denying it, but in general terms, it is the name of the general, the species of Khinzeer.
It means the person having a similitude or properties of a… Of course, any person and a people, the whole people in fact, a particular people with a culture which is filthy in character, and both Khinzeer and Salim point out to the same people, and the word Dajjal also points out to them. So all these three fingers cross at one juncture, which is the Western Christian civilization.