The question he has asked is this that if there are there are a few Ahmadis in a village and They are perhaps illiterate and they cannot deliver sermon Is it possible, is it permissible for them to use your tapes or somebody else’s tapes in place of a khatib and Play them back as sermon. I told him it is totally wrong Don’t even conceive of such a situation Sermon is something which has to be delivered by somebody present in life form Because if you leave that principle Then you will start saying that all right There’s no imam available who put the tape of some imam on and say our prayer behind so one wrong step and you have entered an Unending Zone of distortion of religion So don’t do it In that case in your own simple language say a few things and sit down. That’s quite enough if you want to Want people to hear my speeches or put sermons you can request them if somebody wants to stay he can be I mean provided with tape recordings and they can listen to them if they please