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If Muhammad was perfect, then why does God exhort Muhammad to come into His protection (Quran, 33:2) ?

Dated: 18/11/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

If Muhammad was perfect, then why does God exhort Muhammad to come into His protection (Quran, 33:2) ?

In Surah Al-Azab, Sir, Allah Ta’ala has said, Ya ayyuha nabiyyuta kullaha I mean, the Prophet was almost perfect, you know, why to say… Why do you say almost perfect? Well, um… What do you mean by almost perfect? Well, Sir, he was Abdullah Russel. What? He was Abdullah Russel. Why do you say almost? Why don’t you say he was perfect? Perfect, yes, Sir, perfect, yes. Why did you say almost? Well, I said that because R is human, you know. What? The R is human, you see, everybody can… So, because he was not God, that is what you meant when you said almost perfect.

So, God is infinite and man is finite, and perfection, when we speak of it with reference to man, is imperfection with reference to Allah. So, traveling towards Allah has no end. So, when a Nabi said, Ittaqullah, this Ittaqu means quite a different thing. From when an ordinary person is being told, Ittaqullah. For you, Taqwa has a different meaning.

And for a perfect man, like Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa S.A.W. was, Taqwa had a different meaning. It meant, come further closer to me, come under my protection, more and more. And that protection knows no end, because Allah has no end. So, when you said almost perfect, in fact, you answered yourself, almost with reference to Allah.

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Updated on November 13, 2024

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