In Quran it is mentioned regarding Hazrat Musa that when he threw his Asa, so his Asa became snake and he eaten all the snakes which all the magicians brought with them. Is this true sir? The Holy Quran states it? Yes sir. So it must be true? Yes sir. So it actually happened, this is what I am asking about. What actually is said by the Holy Quran is true? Correct.
So some of my friends, MD friends today, they said no, it didn’t happen actually. It was just… What I am saying, please pay more attention to my words. I say what is exactly described by the Holy Quran is exactly true. Right. So you may understand a different thing from the description of the Holy Quran than an other Muslim from the same words. So the debate is not whether the Holy Quran statement is true or not. The debate would be whether your understanding of that statement is correct or somebody else’s understanding of that statement is correct. In this perspective, you can ask your question. Yes sir. You follow me now? Yes sir, yes sir.
The issue between you and your MD friend is not that you believe in the Holy Quran and they don’t believe. This is not at all true. It is impossible. The issue is whether your understanding of what is mentioned in the Holy Quran is correct and more to the point or their understanding. So you can ask, demand their arguments and find out why they think something else is meant. Yes sir.