In his commentary, he writes that if Isa Ibn Maryam, Jesus, is dead, even God Almighty has power to raise him again. And in this connection, in support of his ideology, he quotes a verse from the Holy Qur’an which is mentioned in Surah Baqarah, verse 260. But on the other side, Huzoor, God says, Yes, I follow your point, yes, please continue. No, I want to know, what does it mean, I think you know yourself what it means, but you want other people also to know. Am I right? You are right, sir. Yes, please. So, explain. Tell us what you know.
I know, Huzoor, that it is a vision. God has said to the Prophet, only to make us understand, and it is in a vision, whatever he has said. This is what I know. But as far as I remember, I spoke on this verse in one of my sermons, or in one of my verses earlier, I spoke on this particular verse and commented on this in detail, so it will be available with the cassette department, I think. I inferred from this verse, of course it was a vision or a dream, but you can prove it from the verse itself, how we take it to be a vision and not an actual incident. But, yes, Huzoor, all right, Huzoor. Because I have already spoken on this and it would take some time to discuss the whole verse, so you can refer to that.
Now, secondly, the first part of your statement which refers to Maududi Sahib’s argument, saying that Allah has all power to raise him from the dead, there is absolutely no doubt that Allah has all power to raise him from the dead. But has Allah no power to raise someone from Ummat-e-Muhammadiyah, peace be upon him, to be appointed to perform the task? I mean, that is very stupid, to say that Allah has all powers. Allah has all powers, of course, we don’t deny that, but the point is, unless Allah exercises that power in a particular direction and lets us know that I am going to do it or I do it, we just won’t believe in everything to have actually happened.
For instance, I quoted in one of my, I think it was Bisail Ibn Maryam, another argument of Maulana Maududi Sahib, where he, I think it was Maududi Sahib or somebody else, I don’t remember now, but anyway, the argument was the same, that Allah has power to do this and do that, why don’t you believe in that? Hasn’t Allah power to raise Hazrat Masih Ibn Maryam from here to the heaven? Of course Allah has power, but Allah has also power to take him to Kashmir, which is closer, much closer than the fourth heaven, so why do you believe in one of Allah’s powers and deny the other part, I mean, deny his power in a second instance?
So this is all fallacial, it has no logic in it. Again I, in answer to one of the questions of Maududi Sahib, I said Allah has, there, that was definitely Maududi Sahib, Allah has power to turn a Maulvi’s halwa into gold, suddenly, without rhyme or reason. So one, if suppose a Maulvi relates this incident to somebody else and says that while I was eating halwa, suddenly it was turned into gold, so everybody will say you are a liar. The rebuttal would be, has Allah not power to do that? You are denying Allah’s power, not believing in me? That’s no argument.
The most important thing to remember in this sort of argumentation with your adversaries is this, that is the key point, that if somebody insists that Allah has that power, you accept that of course Allah has power, but if that power is out of the, exceptional and not found in the routine, the greater the exception is, the more powerful must be the argument to support it. That is a principle which should be remembered because this is a principle of common sense. Any unusual happening requires greater evidence. For instance, if somebody tells you that you saw someone fall in the street, you won’t even put that statement to a test. You will immediately believe without questioning it, in whatever manner.
Because this ordinary happens, I mean, if a fell, why not? So everybody keeps on falling from time to time, but if he says that he was suddenly taken to the third floor without using a staircase or a lift, somebody was walking and he got lifted and went to the third floor of that building, then you’ll start questioning him. Not because you do not believe in the power of Allah, but because you do not believe in that person who is making this statement. So you want a positive evidence for unusual happenings. So the first thing about this is, whether the return of Jesus Christ from heaven or his rising from the dead is an unusual thing or not. If it is usual, well and good. But if it is unusual, then the objection is not that Allah has no power to do that.
The objection is that if Allah has power, of course he has, then he must give us some evidence, positive proof that this unusual thing happened. We do not find any proof supporting this. On the contrary, we find proof against it. This is our argument. So to give it a wrong twist by saying has Allah not power or has Allah power, this is all an intentional dishonesty. Yes. Huzoor, actually speaking, I was confused very much. My question was something else, I went somewhere else. The verse which I have recited, here it seems the saying of God apparently does not sound to be genuine. How can for one hundred years, how can the food and the water be unstained? This is what I want to know, Huzoor.
My question was this, I was confused very much. This shows dream. This is one of the arguments in our favour. That shows that he lived one hundred years in dream, otherwise this was irrelevant to say that your wine is intact and the food has not rotted. That shows Allah wanted to show him that all that you have seen was just a dream, don’t believe it to be a real happening. Check it from your own food and wine, or drink, or water. Yes. In our Ahmadiyya Secondary School, Nigeria, there is one teacher from government, he explained his religion as traditionalist. That he is not Christian, but he is a traditionalist.
So we asked… What was not a traditionalist? Traditionalist. He called himself as traditionalist. That’s right, yes. So, when we asked… Traditionalist, ahre hadith. When we asked him that, are you pagan, he said, no, I am not pagan. This is the wrong name or so-called name which is given to us. So I am actually traditionalist. So he explained… Traditionalist in Islamic terminology or just in African terminology? Just traditionalist. Yes, I understand. He follows the customs of the tribe. That is what he wanted to say. Exactly, exactly. Then he explained one of the reasons while discussing with one of the Christian teacher that why I didn’t believe in Christianity. The reason he explained is that in Bible it is written that don’t commit adultery with neighbor’s wife. So why God committed adultery with Joseph’s wife in the form of Holy Spirit?
So he put this question to the Christian and the Christian was not able to answer the question. So it’s one of the reasons he gave and said there are so many other reasons that I am considering myself as traditionalist and my sole religion is traditionalist and we believe in God through some intermediary but the conception of God is well known there.