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Is God the ultimate personification of justice ?

Dated: 25/01/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is God the ultimate personification of justice ?

Can we say that God is justice? God is what? Justice. No, God is not justice. Because some Christians, they say that Muslims believe that God is justice. No, no, no. We don’t say that. They believe, Christians, exactly it is the opposite. You know, you have read the book Enjam-e-Atham, Enjam-e-Muqaddas. There this issue has been discussed in detail between the Promised Messiah and Atham.

The Promised Messiah made it very clear that Allah is not mentioned as Adil in the Holy Quran at all. He is mentioned as Malik. And there is one fine distinction between an Adil and a Malik. An Adil is the one who does not possess a thing but he is only the implementer of certain laws which are given to him. He works within the four walls of a frame of law. So, he has to execute the law without regard to his own compassion. So, he can’t forgive. He has to just implement the law on the basis of Adil, that is absolute justice. But if one is also the proprietor, he is the owner of thing, then it is up to him to leave a right belonging to him.

Because every right belongs to God and to violate God’s right is sin in the ultimate analysis. So, if Allah is Malik, he can forgive anything. If he is just Adil, then he is just bound by the law and he can’t deviate from the law. So, this is the gist of a part of debate between Prophet Muhammad and Abdullah. If a Christian says exactly the opposite, he is totally wrong.

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Updated on November 19, 2024

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