A Christian’s concept of Allah is different from a Muslim’s concept. So if a pious Christian does things for Allah… Yes, in fact, whatever the concept be, in such calamities, when one does good acts, I mean, acts for the sake of Allah in any way, I mean, then that ultimate analysis of God is always the same in human mind. They don’t then differentiate between that and that and this and the other God. Just one unbreakable, unsplit idea of God appears in one’s mind. And that motivates it. This is human psychology. Even the non-believers, when they pray at the time of crisis, they pray to the same God.
So, at the time of such crisis or emotion, the real God reappears in the mind of everybody. Otherwise, they create imaginative gods and things and worship them. But as I have mentioned, when you love somebody, you do want to do favor to someone out of kindness, you never split the concept of God into that God and that God and that God. Automatically, the same God comes to your mind.