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Why are Muslims forbidden from eating pork ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 27/04/1991

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Why are Muslims forbidden from eating pork ?

Thank you and secondly I wanted to ask why Muslims are forbidden to have pig’s meat oh yes I was expecting that because somebody asked about alcohol and I thought the second part would be coming yes you see pig’s meat is mentioned in the Holy Quran is forbidden as uncouth or something which is not good for us.

Now I can’t explain this medically here but I know that medically also it has been mentioned that this flesh of meat has been responsible for most diseases found in those countries for many diseases where they eat pig you see the for instance this crisscross skin with reddish marks threaded skin with flushes and very ugly looking skin if you ever happen to go to a seaside during summer and you see the bare flesh human flesh you know bathing in the Sun it’s a horrifying sight mostly.

Because you see the skin all is a bad shape thick fat covered with maps of red veins etc that is mostly caused by eating of pork but some doctors have written some extensive essays articles on this subject that pork is not a good meat it is not in the final analysis it’s not good for health but that is comparatively less important what is more important is that every animal has been created by God life is not important not only important it is sacred we eat our flesh of some animals not because we have a direct right to do to kill any animal it is only because we believe God is the proprietor God is the creator.

If he permits only then we are within our rights to slaughter an animal kill him for the purpose of eating the flesh so suddenly we come across don’t eat this meat then we know whether it is out of sanction from Allah that we had been eating or just out of our own desire if we abstain from meat eating that meat which is forbidden then really we demonstrate that we are eating whatever we eat out of permission and wherever the permission is withheld we don’t eat so to test human obedience to God in different areas different trials are kept in religion.

So in the area of eating it works as a trial for us if we really believe that God is the proprietor he is the creator then where when he says don’t eat we must stop it’s all right we won’t eat like sometimes mothers tell you of the food they know some food is bad for you you cannot understand why but they told you no don’t don’t don’t drink this don’t eat that and because they give you all the good food it will be so bad of you to rebel against this order say no I must eat this so you say all right mother.

If you have forbidden me to eat this particular thing or to stop drinking coca-cola or do this or do that I’ll do that it’s okay you don’t understand why yet you obey so it is exactly the similar situation God has a forbidden you to eat certain things to drink certain things one he has chosen from the drinks one he has chosen from the flesh and that is our trial so even if you don’t understand you say all right you have given us everything and we obey you okay

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