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Why are Muslims forbidden from drinking alcohol ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 27/04/1991

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Why are Muslims forbidden from drinking alcohol ?

My second question is, why aren’t we allowed to drink any alcohol? Alcohol, when you see, already you have seen so many campaigns against drunken driving, haven’t you? Yes. And you must have been aware also of alcohol being mentioned frequently in connection with increase in crime. So this is something which is bad, because under alcoholic influence we either lose control over our actions or we are enfeebled in our mental capabilities to judge things in the right perspective.

So we make, we are more likely to make errors of judgment, like it is demonstrated during our driving of cars under alcoholic influences. Why do accidents take place? Because our judgment is impaired under alcoholic influence. So when you can’t drive a car, how can you be safe in dealing with other human affairs? That is why many an alcoholic person has been reported to smash the head of his own child against the stone wall, becoming mad at something, you know, he couldn’t control his rage.

Similarly, most of the cruelties committed against wives, women here, by their husbands, are reported to be under the influence of wine, or alcohol, whatever you call it. So because it has more bad than good about it, so the Holy Quran says that is why it has been forbidden.

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