What is the meaning of Memon, and what is it? Memon? Memon… Memon or Mamon? Memon. Memon is a caste, is a race, a caste, or what should I say? It’s a tribal name for those people, for those people who originally hail from Gujarat district of India. And they were very good tradesmen, so they became wealthy as a class, and because they mostly intermarried, didn’t go out, so they preserved their features, those class features.
And now they have spread all over the world, and they speak Gujarati or Kutchi, and mostly they belong to the Sunni sect rather than a Shia sect. Mostly they are Ahle Hadith, that is, they believe in the tradition of the Holy Prophet, and they are very strict in the performance of their prayers, and keep their time, etc., very conscientiously.
Good people all together. Is that why you are asking this question? Why don’t you ask your granddaddy this question? Why don’t you ask your granddaddy this question? And you thought of this after he laid down? Yes. Anyway, it’s a compliment to you, the answer, isn’t it? You are happy that you have a mammal blood in you. Is that right? Good.