Swami Kaurampillai, is there any difference between Wahi and Alahan? No. There’s no difference. They are one and the same thing. They are the same thing. Yes. Only, it’s a way of describing. In some ways, not even that I thought of something, but it’s not correct. There’s no difference in the nature. Because, Wahi is mentioned with reference to the honey bee as well. So, it’s a very wide application. And, also it is mentioned with reference to Hazrat Moses’ mother.
So, it applies to women as well. And, also it’s mentioned with reference to Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. So, it has the widest possible range. So, has Ilham. Because, the Holy Quran says, when Allah created life, He started from the heaven and earth. And, then it says, The word Ilham is used here. That means, Allah gave an innate teachings. Inborn teachings. To all the things, how? By Ilham. So, Ilham and Wahi are practically the same thing. Only, there’s a difference in description and nothing more.