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Did Muhammad sentence adulterers to death by stoning after the revelation of the Quranic verse prescribing flogging as the punishment (24:3) ?

Dated: 19/08/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Did Muhammad sentence adulterers to death by stoning after the revelation of the Quranic verse prescribing flogging as the punishment (24:3) ?

The fact is that only I think about a year and a half ago I asked Hafiz Muzaffar Sahib and Malik Saifur Rahman Sahib to collect, to work on this and they collected quite a few traditions relevant and Hafiz Muzaffar Sahib wrote a very good paper on this so you tell him to send that paper that should be translated and published in review so it is positively proved that after the revelation of this verse there is not a single incident where Allah’s Prophet ordered anybody to be stoned the fact is that it was his general practice and he always stuck to this principle that as long as Allah had not revealed directly to him on something he would follow the previous religion and again even after the revelations of something in the Holy Quran if people from other faiths would come to him he would judge them.

According to their faith and their books that was the most magnanimous behavior of Allah’s Prophet he would not impose the Holy Quran upon them but would decide their cases according to their faith and religion so according to Allah’s Prophet’s traditions Ahmadis should have been asked by these so called Muslims what is your faith? and what is your book? the answer would be Islam is our faith and the Holy Quran is our book so if they were to follow Prophet’s traditions they would have to judge us according to the Holy Quran and the tradition as we believe in that but they themselves have left and abandoned the spirit of Islam.

So how could we expect such a thing from them and he also attributed this sort of punishment to Hazrat Umar in one instance but that is neither here nor there the Holy Quran was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam peace be upon him in his day it was demonstrated for some other reason if a punishment is given that is not to be attributed to the Holy Quran which does not say that even that has been investigated in fact we deeply went into all the possible incidents which may throw some light on this incident and may confuse the issue and we came to the conclusion ultimately that all the punishment which was meted out was not just for adultery or fornication the Holy Quran has given a right to a ruler to punish in heinous crimes by cutting the hand from different directions or stoning to death and these things are very clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran but the crime must demand such a harsh treatment.

So wherever Hazrat Umar or somebody else is found to have punished somebody that was against a very heinous type of rape it was not just adultery or something like you know like a normal phenomenon a mutual crime but it was a very criminal and extremely cruel incident of rape so it was punishment additional punishment for that which he prescribed at that moment

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