Huzoor: Please, go ahead.
Questioner: What is the main reason for us being here? Why do we actually exist? What is the main purpose for us human beings?
Huzoor: Yes, existence, to be here. In fact the Holy Quran has mentioned it to be worship. To worship God is the purpose of creation but to worship God in the sense that this term is used in the Holy Quran, in a much wider sense. It doesn’t mean just to bow and to praise and to applaud God but it means to follow His characteristics and His attributes. That is worship.
So God is good. Every attribute He has is good and they are well balanced. So by reciting Allah’s attributes, by reciting the Holy Quran and praying to him in the five-time prayers, we learn about God and try to imitate Him, try to be like Him. And when you try to imitate something better and superior, you improve in your quality. So it is for our own goodness that we are created. For a constant progress, for a constant program of learning better things and rising higher and higher in our status. Right?