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If a religion wrote a “true bible” then which religion wrote the “false bible” ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 27/04/1991

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

If a religion wrote a “true bible” then which religion wrote the “false bible” ?

Whoever wrote, if someone did write a true Bible, which religion wrote the false Bible? Which religion, huh? Which religion wrote the false Bible? No religion wrote the false Bible. The Bible is not false. You are under misconception about it. Whoever told you this, it is wrong. What we claim, what the Holy Quran has told us is this, that originally, Bible was revealed. Not to one person, but to many Israelite prophets.

So the Bible contains many books. It is divided into two sections. One is known as Old Testament, and the other is known as New Testament. The Old Testament belongs to the period before Jesus Christ. All the prophets of Allah, starting from Adam up to Moses, not Moses, but other prophets of Israel, were mentioned. So it covers the entire history of mankind in that area of the earth. So that is called Old Testament. It contains many books. And these books are understood to have been revealed to different prophets of God. But what happened was, it was not false to begin with. It was a message from God, all right.

But what happened later was that people started interpolating, which means attributing their own wishes, their own desires to God, and inserting those into the Bible. So they corrupted the Bible. They polluted the holiness of the Bible by introducing their own wishes. You know, like spring water, when it just spurts out from a mountain, it is so pure. As it washes down the earth and various soils and rocks, etc., it gathers other materials, dust and things and filth and so on and so forth.

By the time it reaches the sea, it is not the same pure water, but still is water. Most of it is still water. That is exactly the position of the Bible. Bible originally is revealed by God, it was a pure book. It still has that element of revelation in it. Most of it does mention good things which were revealed by God, but only people have added to this, and so the Bible has been polluted and corrupted. Yes, please. Why did they make a Bible when there was a Quran?

Bible was made before, much before. The Quran is the last book. You understand? So the Quran came in the end to rectify the mistakes of the Bible, to purify it back to its original purity. So that is why the Holy Quran took the best of the Bible which was not polluted, which was not corrupted. And it has so many references to Bible, verifying their truth. So the Quran is a book which contains not only the teachings of Bible, but the teachings of all the earlier prophets which were worth retaining, which were worth preservation.

So the Quran is enough for us. You read the Quran and all the good things which God ever spoke to mankind will be found mentioned in the Quran. Okay? Got it? Alhamdulillah. Please now, take your seats.

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