Huzoor, this verse in the Holy Qur’an, in Surah Al-Imran, Kuntum khaira ummatin ukhrujan min naase, ta’muruna bil ma’rufi wa ta’muruna nil munkari wa ta’minuna bil laahi. Huzoor, this verse is really meant for our Jama’at. Do you agree with me, please? What do you mean by really means for your Jama’at? Because this verse applies in the first instance and foremost to the people of Allah, the people He created.
Of course, the people physically were created by God in that sense, and even spiritually they are created by God. But I mean, He took over the people in His hands and transformed them altogether. So in that regard, the Prophet has also referred to this phenomenon as the creation of the Prophet. Like it is also mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him, created birds from clay.
That is again the same reference, that He took up a material which was like clay, dead material, but with inherent qualities to produce life. So He transformed them, transformed the clay into birds. The birds can fly, you know. Clay is trodden upon. Israelites, before that miracle was shown, were just, you know, like a nation which was being trodden upon by bigger and more powerful nations, and they were just like a clay, a floor of clay, nothing more. And it was dead too.
So you see, Prophet Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him, took up a sample of that clay and turned it into birds. That is, those who would fly in the heavenly subjects and come into contact and communion with Allah and so on. That was the meaning of that. The same context I am referring to, Prophet Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him, having created a people, and every reference to such phenomenon, wherever it is found in the Holy Qur’an, first and foremost applies to that miracle of Prophet Jesus Christ, peace be upon Him. When that miracle is repeated in the latter days, as it is being repeated now, as the Messiah, peace be upon Him, has pointed out, again it is initially his miracle, and it is being repeated through the agency of the Messiah, peace be upon Him, who can produce this being totally subordinate to him.
So whatever he does or acquires is in fact the doing and acquisition of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. So don’t be disrespectful, even by obliquely referring to these things, in a manner as if you are more important than the previous people. What is more important is the fact that you should understand that after the advent of the Holy Prophet, all blessings flowed from him, whether in the first instance or in the second instance of the latter days. So in this context I didn’t like the phrasing of your question at all.
But otherwise, that also applies to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, of course, there is no doubt about it. And we have not translated that verse, so those who don’t understand, what would they know? What would they consider we are discussing? You are the best people raised for the good of mankind. You do good deeds and forbid evil and believe in Allah. Why is it translated, you do good deeds? Ta’muruna bil ma’rufe doesn’t mean do good deeds. This is what Malik Sahib has done. Ta’muruna bil ma’rufe means you admonish people to do good deeds. And that shows even a higher quality of the followers of the Holy Prophet.
Here it means after they have themselves transformed their own way of life, and they have started doing good deeds, they do not leave it at that. They spread the same good deeds across to other people. And the process becomes a live progressive phenomenon. This is what is mentioned in this. So ta’muruna means they admonish others. It doesn’t mean they do themselves do good deeds, because just doing good deeds and dying with those good deeds is not enough. There is no reproductive phenomenon involved in this. But what the Holy Quran is describing is a reproductive phenomenon.