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Is it true that many additions were made to the Bible’s original text ?

Dated: 13/09/1984

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Is it true that many additions were made to the Bible’s original text ?

It is a well-known, established fact, and it is not debatable anymore. And the research has been carried out by the Christian scholars themselves, that a lot of additions were made at various times of history, in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament. And the scholars have established those portions, which they called added ones, el-hati, which were added later on. And they have removed some portions. You know the Revised Version, St. James Version?

Before St. James Version, Naking James Version was agreed upon, a committee of scholars went into all these portions, which were added, or which were subtracted, and they had many old, original scripts of Bible. And they have collected Naking James Version, not from one script, but from various scripts, rejecting some parts, and accepting some others. So they wove it into one whole. Had Bible not been changed, why should there be different scripts altogether? And some should have been rejected, and some accepted, and so on. That positivity proves, and they know it.

All the knowledgeable Christian scholars know that a lot has been added to Bible at various stages, and many portions have been subtracted, many interpolations have been made, amendments have been made. Now, that Naking James Version was accepted to be the official version for a very long time, a few centuries now. And again, the translation was improved upon, I agree. But now recently, in America, a few years ago, they issued another version. And in that version, after a lot of research, they have further accepted some portions of the Bible which they say have been added upon.

For instance, and that’s a very important improvement upon the older version, because the ascent of Jesus Christ has not been mentioned in that version now. Because they say this portion has been added. In the original Bible, there was no mention of the ascent of Jesus Christ at all. So these things are going on, and everybody knows that. So if one ignorant Christian Mullah claims anything, what harm can he do to Islam?

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