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Does Halley’s comet have anything to do with Islam?

Dated: 21/02/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Does Halley’s comet have anything to do with Islam?

Does Halley’s Comet have to do anything with Islam? Anything to do with Islam? Yes. Well, everything in a way has to do with Islam because everything Allah has created has some influence on the life here on Earth. And the whole universe is interrelated in actions and interactions and so on. So in that remote way, everything which is created has some influence on human life.

And human thinking, etc., as well, also make a part of human life. Religions also make a part of human life. Because the Holy Quran tells us that all that Allah has created has made subservient to man. How could that be called subservient to man or pressed into service of man if it has no service to offer? So that shows that the qualities of the entire universe have gone into the creation of man. And as such, Halley’s Comet or Holly’s Comet, as some call it, it has a very remote, distant relationship.

Otherwise, directly, it has nothing to do with human affairs, in the sense that when it is seen some big person is born, when it is seen some big person is killed or becomes dead, or maybe wars take place or floods come and so on, all this is hocus-pocus. Nothing to do with Halley’s Comet.

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Updated on November 23, 2024

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