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Will the fate of the drug dealers be different than those who distribute alcohol ?

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad
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Dated: 31/01/1986

Location: The London Mosque

Language: English

Audience: General

Will the fate of the drug dealers be different than those who distribute alcohol ?

Illegal exports of drugs from Pakistan have become a problem for the government of Pakistan and other countries in the world these days. I shall be grateful if Huzoor most kindly advises us that while the use of alcohol is prohibited in Islam, what is the teachings of Islam regarding the producers, dealers and the users of harmful drugs? You know you established a base for a question and when the question came it seemed to me it had no relationship with the base.

You know as if you are preparing the base here and building the question here in the air. Why did you suddenly switch over to alcohol while establishing the fact that Pakistan was one of the countries from which drugs were exported to the rest of the world? Alcohol is also one of the vices Huzoor, alcohol is also hallucinating, alcohol and all this. Without bringing the bad name to Pakistan unnecessarily, you could have asked this question as such. Why to blame poor Pakistan for this? No Huzoor, recently there was a film shown on the BBC. You know you are a Britisher, you are a Britisher, you are free but I am a Pakistani.

No, I am a born Pakistani. I don’t like Pakistan being abused unnecessarily, why should I? No, I say this is a problem for the government of Pakistan, I said Huzoor. No, I don’t believe that either. It is a bad name brought to Pakistan and maybe it is the doing of some government of Pakistan as well. If a government is meaningful and wants to put her foot down, this evil would not have been permitted to develop to this giant size. So the government can’t be absolved of this responsibility. It is not the problem created by some other factors which is being now dumped upon the government. It may be otherwise. But the whole issue is irrelevant.

There are so many other countries responsible for such vices and in some countries it is the government itself which is running all these things. In many countries the government is involved at some stages, either officially involved or unofficially involved. But that is not relevant to the question you have asked. That is to say, why alcohol is forbidden? My wording is, I am not talking against anything regarding Pakistan because I was born in Pakistan and I have got love for Pakistan.

I am not against Pakistan, but I have said it has become a problem for the government of Pakistan, I said in my question. I have explained that too. Regarding alcohol, I said this is one of the vices which has prohibited all this. Now I follow. You mean to say that although alcohol is forbidden, drugs are not forbidden? They are forbidden. They are forbidden? So what is the question then? Any vice is forbidden, but I wanted to know something regarding drugs, I mean illegal, harmful drugs, if there is anything regarding that in tradition. You already said that drugs are forbidden according to Islam. They are forbidden.

So, what is the question then? Regarding the dealers, producers and dealers. The same applies to the drug dealers as it applies to the alcohol dealers. Their fate will not be different.

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