No, no, it was very fair. Now, you don’t know, in fact, that if you have to compare between Moses and Abraham, Allah was, in fact, fairer to Abraham than to Moses. If it is to be judged, his fairness is to be judged by the number of prophets. Because the whole progeny of Abraham was made prophets and Moses was one of those. And all those who followed Moses were also the recipient of the same favour which was promised to Abraham when Allah said, لا ينالوا احد از والدين What He said was that, of course, I will listen to this prayer and I will go on making prophet after prophet among you.
Only those who digress from the right path and transgress in their behaviour and conduct, I will not give them prophethood. Because if Allah had given them prophethood, instead of being fair, He should have behaved most unfairly to mankind. To make a transgressor a prophet, do you call it fairness? So, when Allah said, I will not make the transgressors prophets, why do you say He was unfair? He was more than fair. Not less than fair.